Commutation is one of the foremost concerns in daily life in any country worldwide. Whether it is in the corporate or tourism travel industry or local transport. There are usual taxi services, public transport systems available in most destinations. But still there arises some need for alternatives everywhere due to different aspects. There are countries where even private taxies or shared transport is legally approved. Even people in a few of the most developed countries today had a similar custom of services prevailing till a few years back.#1 Rent A Car Software UAE Get a Free Demo Know
They made it under check recently when the number of travelers started growing several concerns are raised based upon security, equality, and uniformity. Thus another alternative of vehicle rental business flourished. It was already in practice in several parts of the world under the strict surveillance of the authorities, safeguarding various rights and liabilities of the parties engaged in the business.
It extended the availability of transports, providing with more privacy, dignity and options of vehicles. It also varied from the regular taxi service business in the versatility of the business process. The complexities in managing the business of car rental operations also demanded an automated Rent A Car Software UAE solution which encouraged the software companies to develop products and customized services in the field of Rent A Car Software UAE systems and ERPs.
The car rental business enhances customer services than in a regular
transport service in many ways. The car rental companies can focus more on the
customized requirements of the client more than in any other transport
business. The services charges of the services can be will be lesser on the
basis of usage. The rate management and variations with other transport
services will be the reason for that. The rent centric transport in car rental
system is more on a day of usage rather than the distance centric. This will
be favorable for those who want to travel for long distances in a lesser
number of days.
A Rent A Car Software UAE with features to automate most of the operations in the business can be productive for the business owners as well. Apart from the above-discussed features that support the businesses, there can add with those which provides more customer options too. Consolidating the features from various perspectives, let’s take a look at them in detail.
The features on a client perspective will be useful for enhancing customer satisfaction for a car rental services business.
1. Car view: An option to view the entire fleet of cars with the car rental company. The client can be provided with an option to select from a complete car list.
2. Car filter: A filter option to select a car based on the Type, Brand, Year of manufacturing, Model, engine power, luxury features, and many more technical and non-technical features. Type can be like a sedan, SUV, minivan, etc. Features may include transmission variations like automatic or manual, 4WD/2WD, ABS with EBD, etc.
3. Interior and Exterior feature: Cosmetic details like paint color, extra fittings, A/c quality, etc.
4. Service details: This allows the client to check whether the car of his preference has any services due within his schedule, the history of services may give him an idea of the stability of the car he is going to rent.
5. Reservations system: Provision for an online reservation system along with the above-discussed features with a user-friendly interface will provide more exposure and promotion of the business.
6. Mobile App: The online world is fast moving into mobile interfaces for every business processes. The mobile application has become a bare necessity for any online services. This business is not an exception and hence the same features have to be in the mobile application too. This enhances the real-time experience of the clients through up to date notifications.
Looking forward to the list of features in a regular car rental management software that connects it from a business perspective, we have the following:
1. Finance and accounts: To record the fund flow of the
business, get reports for the regular analysis, and generate the statements to
be shared with the statutory accounts departments. All finances automated for
ease of business.
2. Operations: Covering all the
business operations into the automated system.
3. HR and Payroll: Automating the entire employment processes.
4. Drivers: This will be a separate section of the car rental business since there can be driver services necessary for the clients. This service is provided by the companies as an included service or sometimes as a third party or freelance service where the drivers are supplied from outside the business. A GPS tracking support for the drivers will be of great use to avoid the customer waiting for the driver on occasions. Also, this provides a better communication system between the client and the driver.
5. Fleet management: This comes as the most important module for the business. The fleet management must include the entire car details and the status details up to date. Support of a GPS tracking system for the vehicles is a need of the hour.
6. Legal bindings: The clients, company and the drivers/providers, should be bound legally for better security and necessary legality of the business. Sufficient binding documentations like employment agreement with drivers, business agreements with third party service providers and rental agreements with the client needs to be designed and maintained.
7. Multiple branch support: This layer will be the game changer for any software product. A multi-branch or franchisee/agency support added to this particular business will be a necessity in case of huge corporate companies running the business on wider geography.
The automation process will enhance the productivity of any business. But the inclusion of all necessary aspects of the system is like adding icing to the cake. A totally customizable system to support the business considering the scope and size will definitely compliment the optimal performance of the Know More About Our Car Rental Management Software Contact Us For a Free Online Demo